When I arrived in Lucca a week ago, I immediately noted the multitude of dogs, bicycles, runners, walkers, and cars, yes, cars. Although cars are strictly regulated inside Lucca's walls, they are omnipresent in the streets as you move further out from the center of town. Granted, one car on a medieval street shared by pedestrians and bicyclists (these are commuters not racers) may not equal traffic in downtown D.C., but they "whiz" by at a steady rate. This reminds me of the roads in China which are shared by all manner of moving people, animals, and machines. I have learned "back road" routes to my favorite haunts in order to avoid the dreaded car. On the other hand, I love seeing the garbage trucks and ambulances because they are so human-scale. Yesterday, I saw a female garbage truck driver in full pink lipstick throwing smallish garbage sacks overhand into her truck. You go girl!
All of these photos are taken with my recently acquired iPad mini and I've just discovered the editing features which may or may not enhance their appeal. I'm still learning how to wield this minipad (leave it to Steve Jobs to name it something his tin ear wouldn't recognize as a little bit already in use by a few million non-males) and wish I had a telephoto lens like my regular camera, but it's really easy to point, shoot, and send photos using the iPad camera.
Here, then, are photos from atop Lucca's wall (4 km, 2.5 miles).
Tre amici out for a stroll.
Tre amici out for a stroll.
Dogs in the field behind the Duomo at play and the canal outside the wall
Torre Guinigi (oak trees planted on top), home of the rich and powerful Guinigi family
Outside the wall
Straddling the wall
Looking in from atop the wall
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